A Motorcyclist’s Guide To Protecting Yourself Legally

Motorcyclists share the road with cars and trucks, but motorcyclists carry far more risk. According to the NHTSA, motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to be killed in an accident compared with someone driving or riding in a passenger vehicle.

Understanding what you can do to protect yourself before and after an accident can make a massive difference for your safety, financial health, and legal protection.

What Can I Do To Protect Myself Before A Motorcycle Crash?

The best way to protect yourself from a motorcycle crash is to not get in one. Start by driving responsibly, following speed limits, carefully taking curves, and staying out of cars’ and trucks’ blind spots.

Next, wear the proper safety clothing, such as a helmet, sturdy jacket, and boots.

Finally, having the proper insurance coverage before a crash is vital. It would be best to have enough insurance to cover yourself and any injuries you sustain. Then, you’ll want enough coverage to compensate for your bike and any damages to another vehicle and medical costs from other drivers.

What Should I Do If I’m Involved In A Motorcycle Crash?

If you’re involved in a motorcycle crash, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention for any injured parties.

Once medical care has been administered, if you’re able to take photos of the accident scene — especially before anything is moved. Take pictures of any skid marks, dents on the car, traffic signs nearby, the weather conditions, and any other physical evidence that could help your case.

Next, gather all the names and contact information of everyone involved in the accident.

Finally, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer with experience in motorcycle cases.

Who Is Responsible In A Motorcycle Accident?

Who is at fault in a motorcycle accident will be determined by “negligence.” The person who was driving negligently and wasn’t following the road laws would be at fault. Most motorcycle driver accidents result from a passenger vehicle driver’s error.

However, in North Carolina, all traffic accidents are governed by “contributory negligence.” If the motorcycle driver committed any wrongdoing, such as speeding or driving between lanes, the motorcycle driver is entitled to no damages.

To ensure you have the best chance at winning your case, call the Hyland, Padilla, & Fowler legal team. We offer complimentary consultations to ensure you can build the best case possible and receive the damages you deserve.

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